Wath´s the magic

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It’s the combination of speed and style that produces the benefits. Need to polish your style? Here’s the know-how.

1 - Check You Posture
Distribute your weight evenly with feet slightly apart. Make sure the backs ofyour knees are ciirectly above your haels and your hips are tilted forward. Your chest should be open and raísed.
2 Boosth your breathing
1 Breathe deeply. When you inhale, don’t et your abdomen pop out: feel your shoulder blades moving slightly together. Exhale and feel your ribcage moving. Aim te broaden your upper body, rather than moving t upwards.

3Find your feet
19ND YOUR FEET In power wa)king, your pelvis and hip area
should move freely, 50 YOU can stride out. Stride forward, flexing your foot and striking the ground with your hee, Roil through on te the bali of your foot and push off from the toes.
As you walk,

4 Power your arms

your arms wilI swing in opposition te your feet — hold them with elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, with hands Iightly cupped. Keep elbows tucked in and don’t a)low hands te go Iower than your waist or to cross the body.

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